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_Specifies a set of equipment that works together to control a power system quantity such as voltage or flow. _

Remote bus voltage control is possible by specifying the controlled terminal located at some place remote from the controlling equipment.

The specified terminal shall be associated with the connectivity node of the controlled point. The most specific subtype of RegulatingControl shall be used in case such equipment participate in the control, e.g. TapChangerControl for tap changers.

For flow control, load sign convention is used, i.e. positive sign means flow out from a TopologicalNode (bus) into the conducting equipment.

The attribute minAllowedTargetValue and maxAllowedTargetValue are required in the following cases:

- For a power generating module operated in power factor control mode to specify maximum and minimum power factor values;

- Whenever it is necessary to have an off center target voltage for the tap changer regulator. For instance, due to long cables to off shore wind farms and the need to have a simpler setup at the off shore transformer platform, the voltage is controlled from the land at the connection point for the off shore wind farm. Since there usually is a voltage rise along the cable, there is typical and overvoltage of up 3-4 kV compared to the on shore station. Thus in normal operation the tap changer on the on shore station is operated with a target set point, which is in the lower parts of the dead band.

The attributes minAllowedTargetValue and maxAllowedTargetValue are not related to the attribute targetDeadband and thus they are not treated as an alternative of the targetDeadband. They are needed due to limitations in the local substation controller. The attribute targetDeadband is used to prevent the power flow from move the tap position in circles (hunting) that is to be used regardless of the attributes minAllowedTargetValue and maxAllowedTargetValue.

URI: cim:RegulatingControl
Type: Class

    class RegulatingControl
    click RegulatingControl href "../RegulatingControl"
      PowerSystemResource <|-- RegulatingControl
        click PowerSystemResource href "../PowerSystemResource"

      RegulatingControl <|-- TapChangerControl
        click TapChangerControl href "../TapChangerControl"

      RegulatingControl : IdentifiedObject.description

      RegulatingControl : IdentifiedObject.energyIdentCodeEic

      RegulatingControl : RegulatingControl.mode

          RegulatingControl --> RegulatingControlModeKind : RegulatingControl.mode
          click RegulatingControlModeKind href "../RegulatingControlModeKind"

      RegulatingControl : IdentifiedObject.mRID

      RegulatingControl :

      RegulatingControl : RegulatingControl.RegulatingCondEq

          RegulatingControl --> RegulatingCondEq : RegulatingControl.RegulatingCondEq
          click RegulatingCondEq href "../RegulatingCondEq"

      RegulatingControl : RegulatingControl.RegulationSchedule

          RegulatingControl --> RegulationSchedule : RegulatingControl.RegulationSchedule
          click RegulationSchedule href "../RegulationSchedule"

      RegulatingControl : IdentifiedObject.shortName

      RegulatingControl : RegulatingControl.Terminal

          RegulatingControl --> Terminal : RegulatingControl.Terminal
          click Terminal href "../Terminal"



Name URI Cardinality and Range Description Inheritance
RegulationSchedule cim:RegulatingControl.RegulationSchedule *
Schedule for this regulating control direct
RegulatingCondEq cim:RegulatingControl.RegulatingCondEq *
The equipment that participates in this regulating control scheme direct
mode cim:RegulatingControl.mode 1
The regulating control mode presently available direct
Terminal cim:RegulatingControl.Terminal 1
The terminal associated with this regulating control direct
description cim:IdentifiedObject.description 0..1
The description is a free human readable text describing or naming the object IdentifiedObject
energyIdentCodeEic eu:IdentifiedObject.energyIdentCodeEic 0..1
The attribute is used for an exchange of the EIC code (Energy identification ... IdentifiedObject
mRID cim:IdentifiedObject.mRID 1
Master resource identifier issued by a model authority IdentifiedObject
name 1
The name is any free human readable and possibly non unique text naming the o... IdentifiedObject
shortName eu:IdentifiedObject.shortName 0..1
The attribute is used for an exchange of a human readable short name with len... IdentifiedObject


used by used in type used
AsynchronousMachine RegulatingControl range RegulatingControl
RegulationSchedule RegulatingControl range RegulatingControl
ExternalNetworkInjection RegulatingControl range RegulatingControl
LinearShuntCompensator RegulatingControl range RegulatingControl
NonlinearShuntCompensator RegulatingControl range RegulatingControl
PowerElectronicsConnection RegulatingControl range RegulatingControl
RegulatingCondEq RegulatingControl range RegulatingControl
RotatingMachine RegulatingControl range RegulatingControl
ShuntCompensator RegulatingControl range RegulatingControl
StaticVarCompensator RegulatingControl range RegulatingControl
SynchronousMachine RegulatingControl range RegulatingControl
Terminal RegulatingControl range RegulatingControl

Identifier and Mapping Information

Schema Source

  • from schema:


Mapping Type Mapped Value
self cim:RegulatingControl
native this:RegulatingControl