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Diagram Layout Vocabulary

This vocabulary is describing the diagram layout profile from IEC 61970-453.

Name: DiagramLayoutProfile


Class Description
AngleDegrees Measurement of angle in degrees
DiagramObjectGluePoint This is used for grouping diagram object points from different diagram object...
DiagramObjectPoint A point in a given space defined by 3 coordinates and associated to a diagram...
IdentifiedObject This is a root class to provide common identification for all classes needing...
        Diagram The diagram being exchanged
        DiagramObject An object that defines one or more points in a given space
                TextDiagramObject A diagram object for placing free-text or text derived from an associated dom...
        DiagramObjectStyle A reference to a style used by the originating system for a diagram object
        DiagramStyle The diagram style refers to a style used by the originating system for a diag...
        VisibilityLayer Layers are typically used for grouping diagram objects according to themes an...


Enumeration Description