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Dynamics Vocabulary

This vocabulary is describing the dynamics profile from IEC 61970-600-2.

Name: DynamicsProfile


Class Description
ActivePower Product of RMS value of the voltage and the RMS value of the in-phase compone...
AngleDegrees Measurement of angle in degrees
ApparentPower Product of the RMS value of the voltage and the RMS value of the current
Area Area
Frequency Cycles per second
IdentifiedObject This is a root class to provide common identification for all classes needing...
        ACDCTerminal An electrical connection point (AC or DC) to a piece of conducting equipment
                Terminal An AC electrical connection point to a piece of conducting equipment
        DynamicsFunctionBlock Abstract parent class for all Dynamics function blocks
                CrossCompoundTurbineGovernorDynamics Turbine-governor cross-compound function block whose behaviour is described b...
                        GovSteamCC Cross compound turbine governor
                DiscontinuousExcitationControlDynamics Discontinuous excitation control function block whose behaviour is described ...
                        DiscExcContIEEEDEC1A IEEE type DEC1A discontinuous excitation control model that boosts generator ...
                        DiscExcContIEEEDEC2A IEEE type DEC2A model for discontinuous excitation control
                        DiscExcContIEEEDEC3A IEEE type DEC3A model
                        DiscontinuousExcitationControlUserDefined Discontinuous excitation control function block whose dynamic behaviour is de...
                ExcitationSystemDynamics Excitation system function block whose behaviour is described by reference to...
                        ExcAC1A Modified IEEE AC1A alternator-supplied rectifier excitation system with diffe...
                        ExcAC2A Modified IEEE AC2A alternator-supplied rectifier excitation system with diffe...
                        ExcAC3A Modified IEEE AC3A alternator-supplied rectifier excitation system with diffe...
                        ExcAC4A Modified IEEE AC4A alternator-supplied rectifier excitation system with diffe...
                        ExcAC5A Modified IEEE AC5A alternator-supplied rectifier excitation system with diffe...
                        ExcAC6A Modified IEEE AC6A alternator-supplied rectifier excitation system with speed...
                        ExcAC8B Modified IEEE AC8B alternator-supplied rectifier excitation system with speed...
                        ExcANS Italian excitation system
                        ExcAVR1 Italian excitation system corresponding to IEEE (1968) type 1 model
                        ExcAVR2 Italian excitation system corresponding to IEEE (1968) type 2 model
                        ExcAVR3 Italian excitation system
                        ExcAVR4 Italian excitation system
                        ExcAVR5 Manual excitation control with field circuit resistance
                        ExcAVR7 IVO excitation system
                        ExcBBC Transformer fed static excitation system (static with ABB regulator)
                        ExcCZ Czech proportion/integral exciter
                        ExcDC1A Modified IEEE DC1A direct current commutator exciter with speed input and wit...
                        ExcDC2A Modified IEEE DC2A direct current commutator exciter with speed input, one mo...
                        ExcDC3A Modified IEEE DC3A direct current commutator exciter with speed input, and de...
                        ExcDC3A1 Modified old IEEE type 3 excitation system
                        ExcELIN1 Static PI transformer fed excitation system ELIN (VATECH) - simplified model
                        ExcELIN2 Detailed excitation system ELIN (VATECH)
                        ExcHU Hungarian excitation system, with built-in voltage transducer
                        ExcIEEEAC1A IEEE 421
                        ExcIEEEAC2A IEEE 421
                        ExcIEEEAC3A IEEE 421
                        ExcIEEEAC4A IEEE 421
                        ExcIEEEAC5A IEEE 421
                        ExcIEEEAC6A IEEE 421
                        ExcIEEEAC7B IEEE 421
                        ExcIEEEAC8B IEEE 421
                        ExcIEEEDC1A IEEE 421
                        ExcIEEEDC2A IEEE 421
                        ExcIEEEDC3A IEEE 421
                        ExcIEEEDC4B IEEE 421
                        ExcIEEEST1A IEEE 421
                        ExcIEEEST2A IEEE 421
                        ExcIEEEST3A IEEE 421
                        ExcIEEEST4B IEEE 421
                        ExcIEEEST5B IEEE 421
                        ExcIEEEST6B IEEE 421
                        ExcIEEEST7B IEEE 421
                        ExcitationSystemUserDefined Excitation system function block whose dynamic behaviour is described by <fon...
                        ExcNI Bus or solid fed SCR (silicon-controlled rectifier) bridge excitation system ...
                        ExcOEX3T Modified IEEE type ST1 excitation system with semi-continuous and acting term...
                        ExcPIC Proportional/integral regulator excitation system
                        ExcREXS General purpose rotating excitation system
                        ExcRQB Excitation system type RQB (four-loop regulator, r?gulateur quatre boucles, d...
                        ExcSCRX Simple excitation system with generic characteristics typical of many excitat...
                        ExcSEXS Simplified excitation system
                        ExcSK Slovakian excitation system
                        ExcST1A Modification of an old IEEE ST1A static excitation system without overexcitat...
                        ExcST2A Modified IEEE ST2A static excitation system with another lead-lag block added...
                        ExcST3A Modified IEEE ST3A static excitation system with added speed multiplier
                        ExcST4B Modified IEEE ST4B static excitation system with maximum inner loop feedback ...
                        ExcST6B Modified IEEE ST6B static excitation system with PID controller and optional ...
                        ExcST7B Modified IEEE ST7B static excitation system without stator current limiter (S...
                HVDCDynamics HVDC whose behaviour is described by reference to a standard model <font colo...
                        CSCDynamics CSC function block whose behaviour is described by reference to a standard mo...
                                CSCUserDefined Current source converter (CSC) function block whose dynamic behaviour is desc...
                        VSCDynamics VSC function block whose behaviour is described by reference to a standard mo...
                                VSCUserDefined Voltage source converter (VSC) function block whose dynamic behaviour is desc...
                MechanicalLoadDynamics Mechanical load function block whose behaviour is described by reference to a...
                        MechanicalLoadUserDefined Mechanical load function block whose dynamic behaviour is described by <font ...
                        MechLoad1 Mechanical load model type 1
                OverexcitationLimiterDynamics Overexcitation limiter function block whose behaviour is described by referen...
                        OverexcitationLimiterUserDefined Overexcitation limiter system function block whose dynamic behaviour is descr...
                        OverexcLim2 Different from LimIEEEOEL, LimOEL2 has a fixed pickup threshold and reduces t...
                        OverexcLimIEEE The over excitation limiter model is intended to represent the significant fe...
                        OverexcLimX1 Field voltage over excitation limiter
                        OverexcLimX2 Field voltage or current overexcitation limiter designed to protect the gener...
                PFVArControllerType1Dynamics Power factor or VAr controller type 1 function block whose behaviour is descr...
                        PFVArControllerType1UserDefined Power factor or VAr controller type 1 function block whose dynamic behaviour ...
                        PFVArType1IEEEPFController IEEE PF controller type 1 which operates by moving the voltage reference dire...
                        PFVArType1IEEEVArController IEEE VAR controller type 1 which operates by moving the voltage reference dir...
                PFVArControllerType2Dynamics Power factor or VAr controller type 2 function block whose behaviour is descr...
                        PFVArControllerType2UserDefined Power factor or VAr controller type 2 function block whose dynamic behaviour ...
                        PFVArType2Common1 Power factor / reactive power regulator
                        PFVArType2IEEEPFController IEEE PF controller type 2 which is a summing point type controller making up ...
                        PFVArType2IEEEVArController IEEE VAR controller type 2 which is a summing point type controller
                PowerSystemStabilizerDynamics Power system stabilizer function block whose behaviour is described by refere...
                        PowerSystemStabilizerUserDefined Power system stabilizer function block whose dyn...
                        Pss1 Italian PSS with three inputs (speed, frequency, power)
                        Pss1A Single input power system stabilizer
                        Pss2B Modified IEEE PSS2B
                        Pss2ST PTI microprocessor-based stabilizer type 1
                        Pss5 Detailed Italian PSS
                        PssELIN2 Power system stabilizer typically associated with ExcELIN2 (though PssIEEE2B ...
                        PssIEEE1A IEEE 421
                        PssIEEE2B IEEE 421
                        PssIEEE3B IEEE 421
                        PssIEEE4B IEEE 421
                        PssPTIST1 PTI microprocessor-based stabilizer type 1
                        PssPTIST3 PTI microprocessor-based stabilizer type 3
                        PssRQB Power system stabilizer type RQB
                        PssSB4 Power sensitive stabilizer model
                        PssSH SiemensTM “H infinity” power system stabilizer with generator elec...
                        PssSK Slovakian PSS with three inputs
                        PssSTAB2A Power system stabilizer part of an ABB excitation system
                        PssWECC Dual input power system stabilizer, based on IEEE type 2, with modified outpu...
                RotatingMachineDynamics Abstract parent class for all synchronous and asynchronous machine standard m...
                        AsynchronousMachineDynamics Asynchronous machine whose behaviour is described by reference to a standard ...
                                AsynchronousMachineEquivalentCircuit The electrical equations of all variations of the asynchronous model are base...
                                AsynchronousMachineTimeConstantReactance Parameter details:
                                AsynchronousMachineUserDefined Asynchronous machine whose dynamic behaviour is described by a user-defined m...
                        SynchronousMachineDynamics Synchronous machine whose behaviour is described by reference to a standard m...
                                SynchronousMachineDetailed All synchronous machine detailed types use a subset of the same data paramete...
                                        SynchronousMachineEquivalentCircuit The electrical equations for all variations of the synchronous models are bas...
                                        SynchronousMachineTimeConstantReactance Synchronous machine detailed modelling types are defined by the combination o...
                                SynchronousMachineSimplified The simplified model represents a synchronous generator as a constant interna...
                                SynchronousMachineUserDefined Synchronous machine whose dynamic behaviour is described by a user-defined mo...
                StaticVarCompensatorDynamics Static var compensator whose behaviour is described by reference to a standar...
                        SVCUserDefined Static var compensator (SVC) function block whose dynamic behaviour is descri...
                TurbineGovernorDynamics Turbine-governor function block whose behaviour is described by reference to ...
                        GovCT1 General model for any prime mover with a PID governor, used primarily for com...
                        GovCT2 General governor with frequency-dependent fuel flow limit
                        GovGAST Single shaft gas turbine
                        GovGAST1 Modified single shaft gas turbine
                        GovGAST2 Gas turbine
                        GovGAST3 Generic turbogas with acceleration and temperature controller
                        GovGAST4 Generic turbogas
                        GovGASTWD Woodward™ gas turbine governor
                        GovHydro1 Basic hydro turbine governor
                        GovHydro2 IEEE hydro turbine governor with straightforward penstock configuration and h...
                        GovHydro3 Modified IEEE hydro governor-turbine
                        GovHydro4 Hydro turbine and governor
                        GovHydroDD Double derivative hydro governor and turbine
                        GovHydroFrancis Detailed hydro unit - Francis model
                        GovHydroIEEE0 IEEE simplified hydro governor-turbine model
                        GovHydroIEEE2 IEEE hydro turbine governor model represents plants with straightforward pens...
                        GovHydroPelton Detailed hydro unit - Pelton model
                        GovHydroPID PID governor and turbine
                        GovHydroPID2 Hydro turbine and governor
                        GovHydroR Fourth order lead-lag governor and hydro turbine
                        GovHydroWEH WoodwardTM electric hydro governor
                        GovHydroWPID WoodwardTM PID hydro governor
                        GovSteam0 A simplified steam turbine governor
                        GovSteam1 Steam turbine governor, based on the GovSteamIEEE1 (with optional deadband an...
                        GovSteam2 Simplified governor
                        GovSteamBB European governor model
                        GovSteamEU Simplified boiler and steam turbine with PID governor
                        GovSteamFV2 Steam turbine governor with reheat time constants and modelling of the effect...
                        GovSteamFV3 Simplified GovSteamIEEE1 steam turbine governor with Prmax limit and fast val...
                        GovSteamFV4 Detailed electro-hydraulic governor for steam unit
                        GovSteamIEEE1 IEEE steam turbine governor model
                        GovSteamSGO Simplified steam turbine governor
                        TurbineGovernorUserDefined Turbine-governor function block whose dynamic behaviour is described by <font...
                TurbineLoadControllerDynamics Turbine load controller function block whose behaviour is described by refere...
                        TurbineLoadControllerUserDefined Turbine load controller function block whose dynamic behaviour is described b...
                        TurbLCFB1 Turbine load controller model developed by WECC
                UnderexcitationLimiterDynamics Underexcitation limiter function block whose behaviour is described by refere...
                        UnderexcitationLimiterUserDefined Underexcitation limiter function block whose dynamic behaviour is described b...
                        UnderexcLim2Simplified Simplified type UEL2 underexcitation limiter
                        UnderexcLimIEEE1 Type UEL1 model which has a circular limit boundary when plotted in terms of ...
                        UnderexcLimIEEE2 Type UEL2 underexcitation limiter which has either a straight-line or multi-s...
                        UnderexcLimX1 Allis-Chalmers minimum excitation limiter
                        UnderexcLimX2 Westinghouse minimum excitation limiter
                VoltageAdjusterDynamics Voltage adjuster function block whose behaviour is described by reference to ...
                        VAdjIEEE IEEE voltage adjuster which is used to represent the voltage adjuster in eith...
                        VoltageAdjusterUserDefined Voltage adjuster function block whose dynamic be...
                VoltageCompensatorDynamics Voltage compensator function block whose behaviour is described by reference ...
                        VCompIEEEType1 Terminal voltage transducer and load compensator as def...
                        VCompIEEEType2 Terminal voltage transducer and load compensator as def...
                        VoltageCompensatorUserDefined Voltage compensator function block whose dynamic behaviour is described by <f...
                WindPlantDynamics Parent class supporting relationships to wind turbines type 3 and type 4 and ...
                        WindPlantIEC Simplified IEC type plant level model
                        WindPlantUserDefined Wind plant function block whose dynamic behaviour is described by <font color...
                WindTurbineType1or2Dynamics Parent class supporting relationships to wind turbines type 1 and type 2 and ...
                        WindTurbineType1or2IEC Parent class supporting relationships to IEC wind turbines type 1 and type 2 ...
                                WindGenTurbineType1aIEC Wind turbine IEC type 1A
                                WindGenTurbineType1bIEC Wind turbine IEC type 1B
                                WindGenTurbineType2IEC Wind turbine IEC type 2
                        WindType1or2UserDefined Wind type 1 or type 2 function block whose dynamic behaviour is described by ...
                WindTurbineType3or4Dynamics Parent class supporting relationships to wind turbines type 3 and type 4 and ...
                        WindTurbineType3or4IEC Parent class supporting relationships to IEC wind turbines type 3 and type 4 ...
                                WindTurbineType3IEC Parent class supporting relationships to IEC wind turbines type 3 including t...
                                WindTurbineType4IEC Parent class supporting relationships to IEC wind turbines type 4 including t...
                                        WindTurbineType4aIEC Wind turbine IEC type 4A
                                        WindTurbineType4bIEC Wind turbine IEC type 4B
                        WindType3or4UserDefined Wind type 3 or type 4 function block whose dynamic behaviour is described by ...
        GenICompensationForGenJ Resistive and reactive components of compensation for generator associated wi...
        LoadDynamics Load whose behaviour is described by reference to a standard model <font colo...
                LoadAggregate Aggregate loads are used to represent all or part of the real and reactive lo...
                LoadComposite Combined static load and induction motor load effects
                LoadGenericNonLinear Generic non-linear dynamic (GNLD) load
                LoadUserDefined Load whose dynamic behaviour is described by a user-defined model
        LoadMotor Aggregate induction motor load
        LoadStatic General static load
        PowerSystemResource A power system resource (PSR) can be an item of equipment such as a switch, a...
                Equipment The parts of a power system that are physical devices, electronic or mechanic...
                        ConductingEquipment The parts of the AC power system that are designed to carry current or that a...
                                ACDCConverter A unit with valves for three phases, together with unit control equipment, es...
                                        CsConverter DC side of the current source converter (CSC)
                                        VsConverter DC side of the voltage source converter (VSC)
                                EnergyConnection A connection of energy generation or consumption on the power system model
                                        EnergyConsumer Generic user of energy - a point of consumption on the power system model
                                        RegulatingCondEq A type of conducting equipment that can regulate a quantity (i
                                                PowerElectronicsConnection A connection to the AC network for energy production or consumption that uses...
                                                RotatingMachine A rotating machine which may be used as a generator or motor
                                                        AsynchronousMachine A rotating machine whose shaft rotates asynchronously with the electrical fie...
                                                        SynchronousMachine An electromechanical device that operates with shaft rotating synchronously w...
                                                StaticVarCompensator A facility for providing variable and controllable shunt reactive power
        RemoteInputSignal Supports connection to a terminal associated with a remote bus from which an ...
        WindAeroConstIEC Constant aerodynamic torque model which assumes that the aerodynamic torque i...
        WindAeroOneDimIEC One-dimensional aerodynamic model
        WindAeroTwoDimIEC Two-dimensional aerodynamic model
        WindContCurrLimIEC Current limitation model
        WindContPitchAngleIEC Pitch angle control model
        WindContPType3IEC P control model type 3
        WindContPType4aIEC P control model type 4A
        WindContPType4bIEC P control model type 4B
        WindContQIEC Q control model
        WindContQLimIEC Constant Q limitation model
        WindContQPQULimIEC QP and QU limitation model
        WindContRotorRIEC Rotor resistance control model
        WindDynamicsLookupTable Look up table for the purpose of wind standard models
        WindGenType3IEC Parent class supporting relationships to IEC wind turbines type 3 generator m...
                WindGenType3aIEC IEC type 3A generator set model
                WindGenType3bIEC IEC type 3B generator set model
        WindGenType4IEC IEC type 4 generator set model
        WindMechIEC Two mass model
        WindPitchContPowerIEC Pitch control power model
        WindPlantFreqPcontrolIEC Frequency and active power controller model
        WindPlantReactiveControlIEC Simplified plant voltage and reactive power control model for use with type 3...
        WindProtectionIEC The grid protection model includes protection against over- and under-voltage...
        WindRefFrameRotIEC Reference frame rotation model
Length Unit of length
ProprietaryParameterDynamics Supports definition of one or more parameters of several different datatypes ...
PU Per Unit - a positive or negative value referred to a defined base
Seconds Time, in seconds
Temperature Value of temperature in degrees Celsius
VolumeFlowRate Volume per time


Enumeration Description