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Steady State Hypothesis Vocabulary

This vocabulary is describing the steady state hypothesis profile from IEC 61970-600-2.

Name: SteadyStateHypothesisProfile


Class Description
ActivePower Product of RMS value of the voltage and the RMS value of the in-phase compone...
AngleDegrees Measurement of angle in degrees
AngleRadians Phase angle in radians
ApparentPower Product of the RMS value of the voltage and the RMS value of the current
CurrentFlow Electrical current with sign convention: positive flow is out of the conducti...
IdentifiedObject This is a root class to provide common identification for all classes needing...
        ACDCTerminal An electrical connection point (AC or DC) to a piece of conducting equipment
                DCBaseTerminal An electrical connection point at a piece of DC conducting equipment
                        ACDCConverterDCTerminal A DC electrical connection point at the AC/DC converter
                        DCTerminal An electrical connection point to generic DC conducting equipment
                Terminal An AC electrical connection point to a piece of conducting equipment
        OperationalLimit A value and normal value associated with a specific kind of limit
                ActivePowerLimit Limit on active power flow
                ApparentPowerLimit Apparent power limit
                CurrentLimit Operational limit on current
                VoltageLimit Operational limit applied to voltage
        PowerSystemResource A power system resource (PSR) can be an item of equipment such as a switch, a...
                ControlArea A control area is a grouping of generating units and/or loads and a cutset of...
                Equipment The parts of a power system that are physical devices, electronic or mechanic...
                        ConductingEquipment The parts of the AC power system that are designed to carry current or that a...
                                ACDCConverter A unit with valves for three phases, together with unit control equipment, es...
                                        CsConverter DC side of the current source converter (CSC)
                                        VsConverter DC side of the voltage source converter (VSC)
                                EnergyConnection A connection of energy generation or consumption on the power system model
                                        EnergyConsumer Generic user of energy - a point of consumption on the power system model
                                                ConformLoad ConformLoad represent loads that follow a daily load change pattern where the...
                                                NonConformLoad NonConformLoad represents loads that do not follow a daily load change patter...
                                                StationSupply Station supply with load derived from the station output
                                        EnergySource A generic equivalent for an energy supplier on a transmission or distribution...
                                        RegulatingCondEq A type of conducting equipment that can regulate a quantity (i
                                                ExternalNetworkInjection This class represents the external network and it is used for IEC 60909 calcu...
                                                PowerElectronicsConnection A connection to the AC network for energy production or consumption that uses...
                                                RotatingMachine A rotating machine which may be used as a generator or motor
                                                        AsynchronousMachine A rotating machine whose shaft rotates asynchronously with the electrical fie...
                                                        SynchronousMachine An electromechanical device that operates with shaft rotating synchronously w...
                                                ShuntCompensator A shunt capacitor or reactor or switchable bank of shunt capacitors or reacto...
                                                        LinearShuntCompensator A linear shunt compensator has banks or sections with equal admittance values
                                                        NonlinearShuntCompensator A non linear shunt compensator has bank or section admittance values that dif...
                                                StaticVarCompensator A facility for providing variable and controllable shunt reactive power
                                EquivalentEquipment The class represents equivalent objects that are the result of a network redu...
                                        EquivalentInjection This class represents equivalent injections (generation or load)
                                Switch A generic device designed to close, or open, or both, one or more electric ci...
                                        Disconnector A manually operated or motor operated mechanical switching device used for ch...
                                        Fuse An overcurrent protective device with a circuit opening fusible part that is ...
                                        GroundDisconnector A manually operated or motor operated mechanical switching device used for is...
                                        Jumper A short section of conductor with negligible impedance which can be manually ...
                                        ProtectedSwitch A ProtectedSwitch is a switching device that can be operated by ProtectionEqu...
                                                Breaker A mechanical switching device capable of making, carrying, and breaking curre...
                                                        DisconnectingCircuitBreaker A circuit breaking device including disconnecting function, eliminating the n...
                                                LoadBreakSwitch A mechanical switching device capable of making, carrying, and breaking curre...
                        GeneratingUnit A single or set of synchronous machines for converting mechanical power into ...
                                HydroGeneratingUnit A generating unit whose prime mover is a hydraulic turbine (e
                                NuclearGeneratingUnit A nuclear generating unit
                                SolarGeneratingUnit A solar thermal generating unit, connected to the grid by means of a rotating...
                                ThermalGeneratingUnit A generating unit whose prime mover could be a steam turbine, combustion turb...
                                WindGeneratingUnit A wind driven generating unit, connected to the grid by means of a rotating m...
                        PowerElectronicsUnit A generating unit or battery or aggregation that connects to the AC network u...
                                BatteryUnit An electrochemical energy storage device
                RegulatingControl Specifies a set of equipment that works together to control a power system qu...
                        TapChangerControl Describes behaviour specific to tap changers, e
                TapChanger Mechanism for changing transformer winding tap positions
                        PhaseTapChanger A transformer phase shifting tap model that controls the phase angle differen...
                                PhaseTapChangerLinear Describes a tap changer with a linear relation between the tap step and the p...
                                PhaseTapChangerNonLinear The non-linear phase tap changer describes the non-linear behaviour of a phas...
                                        PhaseTapChangerAsymmetrical Describes the tap model for an asymmetrical phase shifting transformer in whi...
                                        PhaseTapChangerSymmetrical Describes a symmetrical phase shifting transformer tap model in which the vol...
                                PhaseTapChangerTabular Describes a tap changer with a table defining the relation between the tap st...
                        RatioTapChanger A tap changer that changes the voltage ratio impacting the voltage magnitude ...
PerCent Percentage on a defined base
PU Per Unit - a positive or negative value referred to a defined base
ReactivePower Product of RMS value of the voltage and the RMS value of the quadrature compo...
RealEnergy Real electrical energy
Resistance Resistance (real part of impedance)
Voltage Electrical voltage, can be both AC and DC


Enumeration Description