Writing Documentation

File Structure

This documentation is generated using Sphinx. The source files are located in rcdt_robotics/docs. If changes are made in this directory and merged to the main branch, a GitHub workflow automatically generates HTML from the source file and deploys these at the documentation page.

Although .rst (reStructuredText) is the default format for Sphinx documentation, we only use index.rst to define the structure of our documentation. All other documentation files are .md (Markdown) because of the simpler syntax.

The README.md file is the “home” page of our documentation page and our GitHub repository. All other documentation can be found in the content directory.

Adding Documentation

Documentation can be added by creating a new .md file in the content directory. After creating the file, it also needs to be added to index.rst. To check your changes locally, you can use the sphinx-autobuild tool. First, make sure to run our Docker image and go to the docs folder:

cd /home/rcdt/rcdt_robotics/docs

Next, run the following command to start automatic building using Sphinx:

sphinx-autobuild . build/

You can now view a live version, by default at Every time you change a file and save, the tool builds the new HTML files and refreshes the page.